Enterprise search & knowledge discovery

<strong>Enterprise search & knowledge discovery</strong>

AI is changing how companies find and use information. Special tools can understand what people are looking for, even if they don’t use the exact words. These tools also help uncover connections between different pieces of information, making it easier for businesses to make smart decisions and come up with new ideas.

Related Industries

  • Research & Development (R&D)
  • Legal
  • Consulting
  • Finance & Investment
  • Customer Service & Support
  • Healthcare
  • Insurance
  • Government
  • Manufacturing
  • Media & Publishing
  • Software Development
  • Researchers
  • Knowledge Workers
  • Decision-Makers

Key Beneficiaries

  • Customer Service Representatives
  • Legal Professionals

Industry-wide challenges we cater

Your company’s knowledge is a maze, waiting to be unlocked.

  • How can employees find what they need within massive, unstructured data sets?
  • How can insights be found across different data sources?
  • How can users search using natural language instead of complex keywords?
  • How can search handle language ambiguity (synonyms, different phrasing)?
  • How can search keep up with an organization’s evolving knowledge and language?

Employees spend an average of 2.5 hours per day searching for information. – The State of Knowledge Management

95% of businesses cite the challenge of managing unstructured data, with much of its value left untapped. – NewVantage Partners

Approximately 50% of search queries are phrased as questions, highlighting a preference for natural language. – Nielsen Norman Group

Ambli Universe Suite Our solutions to overcome the Industry challenges

Intelligent insights. Seamless integration. Multi-format support. Scalability.

Ambli eComSense

  • Understanding Natural Language Queries: Employees can search using everyday language and questions instead of rigid keywords. This significantly improves ease of use for non-technical users.
  • Analyzing Search Intent: eComSense’s ability to decipher what the user truly wants applies to enterprise search. It can identify the main concepts within complex inquiries, focusing on relevant results.
  • Handling Ambiguity: Semantic search excels at interpreting synonyms, related terms, and different phrasings, ensuring that relevant documents aren’t missed because of how something is worded.

Want to build your own Ai Solution?

Contact Us

AI-powered search solutions for eCommerce platforms revolutionize the way customers discover and interact with products online. By leveraging advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques, these solutions enhance search accuracy, provide personalized recommendations, and improve overall user experience. Features include natural language processing for understanding complex search queries, predictive analytics to anticipate user intent, visual search capabilities for finding products based on images, and real-time updates to ensure product availability and pricing accuracy.

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